Alzheimer’s Current Studies

Alzheimer’s Current Studies

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Currently Enrolling Studies

If you or somebody you love is forgetful, has difficulty planning and solving problems, or gets lost in familiar places, it could be a sign of early Alzheimer's disease.

Check out our current enrolling studies below if you are interested in learning more about clinical trials aimed at slowing the progression of Alzheimer's disease. Call us today for more information. 

A doctor is talking to an older man about alzheimer's.

Care Access

Changes in the brain can occur 10-20 years before Alzheimer's disease symptoms appear. Early intervention during this stage may prevent or prolong the time until symptoms start.

A new blood test that screens for levels of a protein called pTau can help you understand your risk for developing Alzheimer's.

Scan the QR Code on the flyer to schedule your test or visit

If you need assistance with scheduling your test, please call our office.

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A clinical research study for people who may have early Alzheimer's disease or may be at risk for developing symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.

A clinical research study for people who may have early Alzheimer's disease or may be at risk for developing symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.

Can I join this study? Yes, you may be able to join the research study if you:

  • Are aged 55 to 80 years old
  • Have no to mild issues with your memory
  • Are willing to obtain a blood test as part of the study that checks whether you have an abnormal protein associated with Alzheimer's disease, and
  • Have a reliable study partner.

A study partner is a person who knows you well and would notice any changes in your memory, mood, and behavior. This could be your spouse, partner, friend, family member, or someone whose job it is to help you. Your study partner would also consent to the research study.

Other criteria will apply.

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TargetTau-1 clinical study

Learn about the TargetTau-1 clinical study.

How Do I Qualify for This Study?

You may qualify for this study if you:

  • Are 50-80 years old
  • Have a diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment due to Alzheimer’s disease or have mild Alzheimer’s dementia
  • Have a study partner with whom you spend at least 8 hours per week (such as a spouse, friend, or an adult child) who can attend some study visits with you during the study and provide follow-up information

The study doctor will also check other eligibility requirements.

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HOPE Study

What does the HOPE study for Alzheimer's disease involve?

If you are eligible and choose to enroll in the HOPE Study, you will:

  • Use a non-invasive wearable study device at home daily for approximately 12 months
  • Participate in study-related visits at clinical sites with experienced healthcare professionals in the presence of a study partner, such as a family member or friend
  • Receive compensation for study-related expenses (such as travel) and time, for both the participant and study partner

Who can participate in the HOPE Study?

  • People between 50 and 85 years of age
  • Have a reliable study partner
  • Meet other criteria which will be evaluated.

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HARBOR research study

Learn more about the HARBOR research study of an investigational drug for adults who are showing signs of early Alzheimer’s disease or have been diagnosed with early Alzheimer’s.

To pre-qualify for this study, you must: 


  • Be 50 to 90 years of age 
  • Have shown signs of early Alzheimer’s or have been diagnosed with early Alzheimer’s


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The BenfoTeam Trial

The BenfoTeam Trial

A new approach for treating early Alzheimer’s disease.

Basic eligibility criteria:

  • Aged 50-89
  • Living in the community
  • Willing to participate in the BenfoTeam study for up to 18 months

Other criteria will apply.

Sign Up Now!

Call Us

Contact us to learn more about our current studies

(714) 475-0556

(714) 475-0556

The people who serve at this clinic are the most loving and kind people I've ever had the pleasure to meet! The doctor is so caring and extremely knowledgeable and a joy to talk with. Keep up the great work!

- Gale M, Google

  Closed To Enrollment

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An older woman is sitting on a couch with her head resting on her hand.
Apheleia study
Flier on clinical trials
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